In prayer this morning, as usual, I was bringing the many “needs” of the Diocese to God in prayer.  Somewhere in the midst of this prayer, a simple syllogism popped into my mind:  Our needs are great.  God is Great.  Our need is for God!  This is a very simple analysis of my approach to prayer. 

So many of the “needs” of our human experience can seem so far beyond our control.  I think God allows this reality for the express purpose of using these moments to “logically” or “naturally” lead us to Him, our Creator, the One for Whom nothing is impossible.  Learning to place such challenges and needs in the Providential hands of God is an act of faith, indeed, a necessary act of faith.  Our challenges lead us to recognize our need for God.  In recognizing this fundamental need we have for God, we grow in faith, hope, and trust in God.

As we grow in such trust, we also learn to do all in our power, with the gifts God provides, to do “our part” in seeking to responsibly meet the challenges of everyday life.  This reminds me of an old saying, and I’m not sure who to credit with this quote.  (If you know, simply click on the “comments” tab of this blog and send me a note.)  Here is the quote:  “Pray as if everything depends upon God.  Act as if everything depends upon you.”  This seems to be a very balanced approach; a faith-filled aproach to daily life.

May our world continue to grow in the knowledge of our need for God.  May we continue to approach God regularly in prayer, allowing our desire for God to grow more and more, for God alone knows how to fulfill such desire!


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