Statue of St. Catherine of Siena

 Today is the Feast of one of my favorite saints, Saint Catherine of Siena.  There is a statue near Castle San Angelo in Rome that beautifully represents St. Catherine’s ‘urgency’ to accomplish God’s will; God’s work for the ‘salvation of souls.’  (see picture to the left)

There are many things I admire about this great saint of the 14th century.  First and foremost is her love for God and her great desire to live passionately her love for Christ.  She had several names for Jesus, perhaps the one she used most in her writings was “Gentle First Truth.”  Her life was spent prayerfully discovering the depths of this Truth and preaching it to all who would listen, and quite often to those who would not. 

A close second to her love of God and Christ was her love for the Church, most especially demonstrated in her devotion to the Holy Father.  St. Catherine was deeply concerned for the state of the Church of her days, and spent countless hours in prayer and fasting and made many journeys working on behalf of the unity of the Church. 

St. Catherine put her deep spirituality to practical use in many ways.  Along with her love for the Church she wrote many letters of encouragement, even reprimand to people of all walks of life, encouraging greater fidelity to Christ and His Church.  So steeped in the Paschal Mystery herself, many of her letters begin with an expressed desire that individuals be bathed in the blood of Christ so as to be washed clean of all selfishness to walk boldly in the life of Christ.

St. Catherine is a great model and intercessor in this Year of Faith and the work of the New Evangelization.  Through her intercession, may each of us this day be drawn deeper in love with Christ, grow deeper in love for our Holy Church, and practically express our love caring for those who are struggling in faith.

St. Catherine, Pray for us.
