At Rome Noon Today, Pope Francis named Fr. Andrew Bellisario, CM, Bishop of Juneau.  Fr. Andrew is presently serving as the pastor of the Co-Cathedral in Anchorage, Our Lady of Guadalupe parish.

Fr. Andrew is just completing his first year as pastor at the Co-Cathedral.  He is a wonderful priest and a great administrator.  Mostly, he is warm-hearted, and with his Vincentian missionary spirit, will be a fine new Bishop for Juneau.

I have had the opportunity to watch Fr. Andrew in action on numerous mornings when I attend Our Lady of Guadalupe for weekday Masses.  He is genuine and caring, and it is clear that the parishioners love him in return.

Fr. Bellisario grew up in Southern California where he came to know the Vincentians.  He has been associated with their order since the 1970’s, and was ordained a priest for the Western Province in 1984.  He served as the Provincial Superior  of the Vincentians, Province of the West, and as the Director of the Daughters of Charity, Province of Los Altos Hills.

Most recently, he has served as the Superior of the International group of Vincentians here in Anchorage, helping to establish a community here for the purposes of serving the Latino community.

He has a strong reputation among the priests of the Archdiocese of Anchorage and served our former Archbishop (+Schwietz) as a member of his core leadership team.  He is also a newly appointed consultor for Anchorage.

Congratulations, Bishop-Elect Bellisario!  And congratulations to the Diocese of Juneau!  I look forward to the episcopal ordination on October 10!
